Áreas de Contabilidad
Central telefónica del CMPC 0351 4225004
Áreas Contables | Interno | Correo electrónico |
Gestión de Cobranzas | 1118 | deuda@cmpc.org.ar |
Pagos a Proveedores | 1112 | pagos@cmpc.org.ar |
Otras Gestiones | 1113 | contaduriabancos@cmpc.org.ar |
+54 351 3176558 | ![]() |
En días hábiles horario 08 a 13.30hs |
It https://justdomyhomework.com/ compares that rate with the so-called average freshman graduation rate, which estimates the percentage of 9th graders who earn their diplomas within four years in that state.